Mixing Link Tagging and Domain Tagging

Use the power of Link Tagging along with Website Tagging to get insights on a new level of data tracking

This guide assumes you already have a verified account on Tageri.

Using this will allow give you the ability to cross-examine the performance of links that send people into your website from different platforms.

For this tutorial, we will assume the following.

Our resources are:

  • We have a website with a landing where we sell an online course about becoming a Yoga Coach.
  • We created a video describing the course and uploaded it on YouTube and Vimeo.

Our destination channels are:

Our advertising platforms are:

  • Google Ads

First Step

Tagging our resources

  1. We Tag our Yoga Fitness Website so we can read all the data about the incoming traffic once we publish the link to our landing page.
  2. Tag the link to our Website’s Landing Page in the following way:
    • Tag the link for Instagram.
    • Tag the link for Facebook.
    • Tag the link for Twitter.
    • Tag the link for Reddit.
    • Tag the link for Google Ads, we include the campaign name in the description field for future tracking.

Second Step

Publishing our shortened tagged links

  1. We post on each platform the corresponding Shortened Tagged Link along with anything we want to say about how awesome our new course for becoming a Yoga Couch is.
  2. We submit our Shortened Tagged Link to Google Ads Campaign Manager.


Third Step

Working with our website’s activity data to discern the results of our efforts and boost our profit margins.

  1. Login into your account and head right into Domains > “Yoga Fitness” to load the data Dashboard.
  2. Using the information covered in our Understanding Analytics tutorial, we can see how successful our links are behaving for both paid and unpaid platforms. Here we can understand where do people really want and interact with our new course for becoming a Yoga Couch.
  3. With this information, we can improve our landing page for people that visit us from a mobile device, maybe visitors from unsuspected countries that need it on their language, opening a new market instantly for our course.
  4. We also check the success per platform thanks the the data coming from the tagged links, which helps us know what platform to keep pushing on and which ones to desist from or rework our offer. An unprecedented intelligence bit that can change the game for most online monetization strategies.

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